NZISA had their Executive Meeting and 63rd Annual General Meeting over the weekend in Wellington, as hosted by Wellington Indian Sports Club.
The following Executive were elected for the year ahead:
- President: Suresh Wallabh (Pukekohe)
- Secretary (interim): Chan Dullabh (North Harbour)
- Treasurer: Kirit Makan (Pukekohe).
Club Delegates:
- Auckland Indian Sports Club: Raj Pancha, Vinod Patel.
- Bay of Plenty Indian Sports Club - Cricket: Praful Morarji, Dr. Karandeep Lall.
- Central Districts Indian Sports Club Inc.: Kiran Parbhu, Sanjay Patel.
- Christchurch Indian Sports Club: Kalesh Patel, Pravina Ganda, Ashok Ganda.
- N.H.I.S.C - North Harbour Indian Sports Club: Shareena Dullabh, Matt Johnson.
- Pukekohe Indian Sports Club: Vimal Patel, Arjay Manga.
- Waikato Indian Sports Club - Waik ISC: Jayshree Keshvara, Sunita Parsotam.
- Wellington Indian Sports Club - WISC: Dipak Bhana, Hansa Parbhu, Pravin Lalloo.
(Final delegate list to be confirmed).
The meeting saw events for the year ahead being set, with some dates locked in, so check out the NZISA website (www.nzisa.org.nz) for all these details.
NZISA is also looking for a new Secretary to take over the role from March 2025 onwards. If you are interested in taking on this role and contributing towards Indian Sports, get in touch with either your local Indian Sports Club or NZISA directly.
2024 NZISA Executive Meeting and 63rd Annual General Meeting Attendees